Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sorry guys! I haven't written in like, fur-ever, but first not much was happening, and now, everything is happening.

Today mom's taking me to my Very First Newf club meeting. Whoo! It's called the Creekside Newfoundland Club, which just got started this past summer. It has to be functional for two whole years before it can be an AKC club (or something like that) but I get to meet and greet other Newfies! And mom gets to talk Newfies with other mommas! AND there's even a creek with a swimming hole.....and since a certain Newf blog author has never been swimming yet, I couldn't be more excited.

Tomorrow evening starts my CDC and perhaps TDI training. The CNC is sponsoring the CDC and TDI testing this May, and classes start tomorrow to get us all prepared. I know right now I'm only taking the classes for sure, we'll see how I handle class before we discuss actually taking the tests.

Ok, gotta go get brushed so I look good for the ladies today!

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