Monday, January 19, 2009

1st Birthday

I turned one on Saturday! I don't really know what that means, but I got lots of pats, kisses, and even a trip to Petco. I got some new toys, loads of food, and pets by pretty much everyone in the place.

However, better than that, it's been snowing! I've been out in it before, but this is the most I've ever seen, and it's awesome. I even got mom and dad to come out with me for a photo shoot, and I think they had fun too.

So, birthday, snow, finally registering in the AKC, joining the local Newf club, and working on my training? It's been a busy week!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Registering and Training

Well, mom finally dug through all my papers and got out my AKC registration. I'm pretty sure it came like, forever ago, but it's filled out, stamped, and ready to go out tomorrow.

I met my new trainer today. His name is Joe, and he's awesome. He'd tell me to do these things I do all the time, like sit and DOWN (!!!), but then, THEN, he gave me something amazing called Ham! HAM!! Ohh it was so good, and I showed him how good it was by getting no less than 7 slobbers on his pants. Mom was worried about my allergies, but since I never had ham, it was okay. Plus, there was no way I was letting that ham leave after getting a wiff of it!

Apparently this is just the beginning, as there is some "good dog person test" (CGC) coming up this spring. Mom sees doggies visiting the kids all the time at the hospital, and she wants to take me. However, I gotta take this test and get those initials behind my (finally registered) name before I can go with her to work.

Hmm, after all that ham, a nap sure does sound nice!