Monday, November 24, 2008

New Bed

Well guys, it took me about 3 months, but I did it. I chewed through the zipper and destroyed the inside of my supposedly chew proof Orvis bed. My parents spent almost $200 on it, so they're not too happy with me today. A nice lady from Orvis is getting them a refund, but now what do I sleep on??

I voted for the couch, but for some reason was overruled. Apparently I still need some crate time, especially at night, so my mom really needs to get something comfy in there for me.

They were nice enough to leave the destroyed cover in there for me since it tastes so good, but it's not too soft to sleep on. What do you all sleep on, and can I destroy that one too??

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I've been one itchy dog again lately. I break out from time to time, but after a trip to the vet and some antibiotics, I'm good again. My mom switched my food in August, and until now, my skin has been happy and smooth.

Any hairless area is red, bumpy, and really itchy right now. The vet thinks it's allergies, but I can't get tested until June when I've lived here a year. I'm back on antibiotics, and going on a chicken, beef, wheat, and corn free diet. It took some doing, but my mom found a lamb and rice food that's free of bad stuff and just for puppies. Hopefully I'll like it, because it's the last stop before prescription food for awhile.

I got a medicated bath at the groomer today, who used some kind of sulfur and tar shampoo on me. I look great and feel fluffy, but kind of smell like a road. I'm not as itchy at the moment though, so it must be working to make my skin better.

My mom's all worried since I broke out again. She's doing what the vet said, but anyone else have any ideas? What do you do when your pup's skin breaks out?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Life in Photos (1)

Here I am on the day I came home. I was almost 4 months old, and already 74 pounds.

I'd like to point out my fabulous WVU nametag. I loved it so much, I somehow pulled it off and ate it. It did result in a trip to the vet, xray to determine it wasn't stuck in my belly, and 3 days of my parents looking for it in the backyard, but it was quite tasty!

Sometimes I practice my karate kicks on Mom.

I love to wear my bandanna on game days. This isn't as easy to eat as the name tag was!

My first real hike. The first 3 miles weren't that bad, but the 4th was a killer. I practically had to drag Dad back to the car.

At last, my favorite past time!


Hello and welcome!

After my human mom came across some other Newfy blogs, she decided I should have one too. So far this hasn't applied to all the toys and treats she sees online, but here's hoping that changes soon!

Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Elvis, and I'm 10 months old. I was born January 17, 2008, and adopted on June 4th. My mom is something called a nurse, and my dad goes to a school about graduation.

*Mom's note - He's in graduate school, getting a PhD*

She leaves for hours upon hours at a time *darn 12 hour shifts* but when dad's not in class, he's studying at his desk. I like to help by shouting out answers, but he doesn't seem to write down anything I say. In fact, after I bark out a few, he's usually enticed enough to play with me for awhile. He says something about "all that barking being distracting", which must be a good thing, so I try to do it a few times a week.

Right now I enjoy playing with my baby dog *he used to have ears, and his tail is dangerously close to falling off*, peanut butter, fresh water in my bowl, my outdoor squeaky ball, walks, and naps. Oooh naps. They should be at the top of the list.

Yawn. Ya know, a nap actually sounds really good right now. So good in fact, I think I'll.....I'll just......hold on one sec.......ZzzzzZzzzzzzzz